Instagram growth accelerator course

Trusting the Instagram algorithm to get you new clients is like waiting to win the lottery – it might happen if you keep playing, but it's not something you should rely on.

The longer you wait without taking any action, hoping the Instagram gods will place you in front of thousands of ideal brides and grooms, the more your wedding business slips away.

Imagine having a lead tap that you could turn on whenever you wanted a steady stream of new SALES and turn off when you were fully booked. Well, my lovely wedding business owner, that is absolutely possible with my Instagram Growth Accelerator Course. And, you don’t need a huge following or a degree in social media marketing.


You wake up with a complete list of the actions you need to take to start driving sales in your business. The best part? The list will only take you 30 minutes on average. You finally feel confident and drum roll please…totally in control of the sales in your business. Those days of feeling like a fish out of water, feeling lost and embarrassed about your lack of bookings are long gone.

You now know the exact actions you need to take to book your calendar out with the knowledge that if you put X amount of effort in, you will get X amount of sales out.

No more waiting around for the algorithm to work its magic on your profile because, let’s face it, who has time for that?


You feel out of control when it comes to sales.

You find yourself on a sales rollercoaster—one minute they're up, the next they're down. The worst part is, you have no control over how you get sales. You feel completely in the dark when it comes to attracting and converting couples, and you're tired of feeling so lost. It's exhausting and scary because you never know if you'll make a profit next month.

You want to magnetise your ideal couples to you

The truth is, if your content perfectly aligns with what your ideal client values and wants to hear, the number of followers you have doesn’t matter. What truly matters is how deeply you emotionally connect with that bride-to-be—the one choosing between you and ten other vendors. How do you create content that makes her fall head over heels for you, thinking, "I have to have her, no matter the cost"? That’s what I will teach you in this course.

You’re sick and tired of listening to Algorithm hacks

If you use this trending audio, you'll go viral. If you use these hooks, you'll 10x your followers. If you shorten your reel, people will replay it and trick the algorithm. The problem with this hacky marketing is that trying to trick the algorithm doesn't address the real issue: your content isn't connecting with anyone. Marketing is about making money, and you can try all the hacks in the world, but if you're not making money, then there's no point. It's a total waste of your time.

What I teach you in this course is how to create a profit-driving marketing strategy that values quality content, laser-targeted at your ideal audience. It's not some hacky, shady Instagram trick that will only work until the algorithm changes again..

YOU feel like you’ve tried everything

  • Downloaded so many ‘freebies’ which have been more mehhh than money-making.

  • Listened to multiple different gurus telling you to do this and do that, and it’s left you feeling like your head is going to explode.

  • Tried doubling your posting schedules and still nothing.

  • Tried emulating the top dogs in the wedding space and still nothing.

  • You post your best work, and still nothing…what gives?

  • You’re absolutely done with reading fluff and vague generic rubbish.

  • You feel like hitting your head against a brick wall.


“But don’t you have a degree in advertising and marketing, a decade of experience in London agencies, and seven years as a marketing manager?”

Yes, absolutely, that’s correct. However, I never specialised in Instagram marketing. My expertise has always been in content marketing and SEO. When I started using Instagram to attract wedding business owners, I found it a real struggle. I'm not good at video or going viral. But what I am good at is creating highly aligned content that emotionally connects with the people I want to work with.

I understand the marketing and sales pipelines and what drives people to buy. By applying that knowledge to Instagram, I turned it into a money-making machine. Instagram became my marketing and sales funnel, rather than just a platform to gain thousands of followers. More followers are a by-product of great content, but that’s not my goal. My goal is to make money from it. If I’m not acquiring new customers from the time I spend on Instagram, I don’t see the point.

And that’s what I teach you in my Instagram accelerator course.

What’s included in the instagram accelerator course?

Part 1 - Your Marketing and Sales Strategy to Book Your Calendar Out

Lifetime access to this profit-driving course with cheat sheets, swipe files and frameworks so you have everything ready to go.

Implement a super simple daily marketing and sales routine designed to triple your sales through Instagram alone!

Follow these easy step-by-step actions to turn your Instagram account from a time-sucking headache to a money-making machine. You will wish you had this earlier.

Part 2 - Instagram Growth Masterclass

Everything you need to grow your Instagram is here.

Reach the couples you’ve always dreamed of working with. Learn how to create high-value content that attracts, nurtures, and converts them into paying customers who want you and only you at their wedding.

Instagram marketing is both a skill and an art. To make money from this platform and attract high-paying couples, you don’t need a master's degree in social media sciences. What you do need is a solid strategy highly targeted to your ideal couples. This is exactly what I will teach you.


“I recently completed my onboarding with Hayley as part of her coaching course and it has made such a difference to my marketing strategy already! As a result, I have received new enquiries from my ideal client that specifically mention the things I have been addressing in my content and with budgets that match my financial goals too!I feel so inspired and am enjoying running my business again after feeling confused for so long. I can’t wait to work with people who truly understand and appreciate the value of their wedding cake and to bring their ideas and personal stories to life. Thank you Hayley!”

Hannah @thewillowtreebakery

“Hayley I just wanted to say thank you again! I’ve just had a call with a couple who enquired last week and it was amazing, the best call I’ve had with a couple! They are exactly my ideal client and have so many personal touches they want to include in their wedding and the cake design, they want a 5 tier! And they said they want to go ahead and get booked in on the call! Our recent coaching call about hosting calls with potential couples massively helped me feel comfortable and know how to lead the call. I can’t thank you enough for all the help and advice you’ve given me so far!”

Hannah @thewillowtreebakery


Just £199 for lifetime access to the EXACT information you need to know to turn your Instagram into a highly profitable machine. The EXACT steps I follow to book clients every single month and the strategy all of my coaching clients follow too.

The only person stopping you is you.